Staresina LAB
Desk/ Computer
Before you head to sleep, you will be asked to complete some memory tasks on the computer while the EEG system is recording.
Lamp/ Buzzer
There will always be a buzzer at arms length which is connected to a pager carried by the experimenter. You can use this at any point during your stay.
Sink/ Tap
Once you arrive, you will have a chance to brush your teeth/ wash your face before the experiment starts. There is a toilet across the corridor you can use throughout the experiment.
To record the electrical activity of your brain, you'll wear an ActiCap 2 which
records from 64 locations on your scalp.
Equipment Trolley
In order to record brain activity, your cap will be connected to 2 large amplifiers located on a trolley by the bed.
What to expect on your visit
Where to find us
Display Monitor
A small display screen is attached to the trolley which displays the brain activity during the set up. This will be switched off overnight.